Fall Motivation + Goals
Hello! It has felt so good to get back to the program the past couple days. I LOVE fall and the changes in routine it brings. Order and...

Sayonara Summer
Summer flew by, much to my surprise and delight. It was a good one, and it was nice to cap it off with two end-of-summer trips, first to...

Summer Update
Hello! I haven't meant to be away for so long. Summer is busy, and tiring, and good. I think all my creative juices have dried up for the...

Summer Days
We are in the full swing of summer over here. As predicted, I think I over-committed to activities for Eloise, who has finished up two...

Summer + The Spinning Top
School is out and summer is here! Most of last summer was HARD. We were in survival mode. Amelia wasn't off and running yet, she was...

A Quick Tip
Hello! Popping in for a quick nutrition hack. We just got back from vacation and dinner last night was leftovers + Annie's mac and...

Surviving Car Trips with Toddlers
We don't have a great track record of painless car travel with kids so I am definitely no expert in this arena. But with an upcoming...

Ear Infections: A Natural Approach
Three and a half years into this mom thing and I still feel like a newbie in so many areas. One area I'm slowly gaining confidence is...

The Berry Hierarchy
There's a hierarchy of fruit preferences in our household that I decoded awhile ago, and was reminded of it yesterday when we hosted...

Happy Mother's Day + Weekend Links
TGIF! I woke up this morning and was immediately so happy when I realized it was the weekend already--this week flew by. To all the mamas...