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Crazy Baby Lady

I knew to expect complicated feelings with the last baby, but it's hitting me harder and harder lately, and I seem to have morphed into even more of a crazy baby lady than usual.

Historically, I have eagerly awaited most milestones with my babies. Especially the first time around, I couldn't wait for things like her sitting up for the first time, eating baby food, walking, talking, and especially sleeping through the night! I have loved all my babies so much, but I suppose I've loved them just a tiny bit more once they started sleeping through the night.

Typically I sleep with one earplug in, but since the window air conditioning units have gone in now that the weather has gotten warmer, I've been sleeping earplug-free so that I can hear Alice when she needs me in the night. However, I haven't been sleeping as well without it, so last night I wore my earplug.

I put Alice to bed at 7pm and she didn't wake up until 7am!!!!!

Whether this truly happened or whether she was in fact crying and I didn't hear her over the AC is unclear. And of course it will be fantastic if this continues to occur and my energy levels and other family members will thank her for it.

But am I as elated as I thought I'd be? Not really. Because it's another milestone checked off the list and another step closer to our household being baby-free forever.

If I had known or even read any of this as a brand new mom I still think I would've wished away many of the long, hard, sleepless early days. But this time I am holding on to them tight because I know truly this too shall pass.


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