Crazy Baby Lady
I knew to expect complicated feelings with the last baby, but it's hitting me harder and harder lately, and I seem to have morphed into...

She's Here!
Alice Elizabeth December 14, 2019 8:23am 7lb 14oz She is perfection and we are so grateful and relieved that she's here. Our sweet little...

An Announcement + Are You Done?
A little announcement for you today! Another baby is on the way for our family, and I'm due mid-December. We are getting excited to meet...

Gift Guide: Babies + Young Toddlers
I was doing my annual November toy purge to make way for all the new Christmas stuff and as I went I jotted down some of our favorite and...

Blessed Sleep + A Sample 6-12 Month Schedule
Let's talk sleep for a minute--one of my favorite things. George has started to sleep through the night somewhat regularly (hallelujah...

The New Normal
Some snippets of our life lately as we adjust to our new normal! Cutting up a pineapple AND sending an email and feeling incredibly...

Georgie Makes Three
He's here! Welcome to the world, George Alfred (better known around here as "Baby Georgie")! Our little angel baby came on March 8,...

Focus + Waiting for Baby
Hello! I haven't meant to be away so long again, and have started and abandoned multiple posts, but am too tired, pregnant, and busy...

Contentment + News
Hello! I haven't meant to be away for so long. I've just been...busy? Yes, but not really more than usual. Pregnant? Oh yes, I haven't...

Gifts for Kids: Baby Favorites
Over the past couple years I’ve compiled a list of favorite kids’ gifts, grouped by age, that our girls have used and loved. I love...