Sayonara Summer
Summer flew by, much to my surprise and delight. It was a good one, and it was nice to cap it off with two end-of-summer trips, first to Newport to celebrate Morgan's bachelorette weekend:

Castle Hill Inn. Go here! So magical.
And then we took a last-minute family vacation to Cape Cod. By the way, who are we lately? I have been the consummate planner/obsessor over details my entire life, and lately I am such a last-minute Sally. I can't think about or plan more than one thing at a time anymore, which requires me to get beyond one event (or sometimes day) before I can think about the next. I think overall this is a pretty healthy thing for a Type A person like me--live in the moment right? But it's almost been comical to observe. Last-minute vacation? Sure!
It's been encouraging to see that the way "the other half" lives isn't as horrifying as I had thought, and just about the worst thing that has come of my un-planning was a forgotten swimsuit, resulting in a quick Marshall's trip once we got to the Cape and selecting a little number from the clearance rack to the tune of a $4 top and $1 bottoms.

Woods Hole

Dinner out in Woods Hole

School starts in four days (!), and since both girls are doing some school this year, I will have a couple mornings a week to myself. What am I going to do with myself? Probably get something productive done for once, maybe exercise for the first time in months, and miss my little people.
How was the end of your summer?