Myths of Motherhood
I was unloading the kids from the car the other day and a woman stopped me mid-parking lot to ask their age spacing. When I told her, I...

Don't Give Your Baby One of These
This is my PSA for the day: If you have a little baby, and if you have any of those security blanket loveys with the heads on them, don't...

Our Beach Vacation to Cutchogue
We are back from a fun and impromptu vacation to Cutchogue, Long Island. It is truly a magical place that we've been going with our best...

Quick Tips: Set a Timer
We learned this trick from a very smart friend. Do you have more than one child and, despite owning two of most things, still run into...

Keeping It Real
And on some days, these are the thoughts that go through my head. How many 6-minute activities can one person do in a day? Why did I feel...

Reclaiming Sunday
I originally had this post titled "Taking Back Sunday" and it sounded vaguely familiar--maybe a movie title?--and after a quick Google...

Weekend Reading
Lately I've come across several articles related to technology that have convicted me more than ever that outside its obvious benefits,...

At-Home Summer Activities for Toddlers
Remember how I said we had a few camps this summer? I take all of that back. We have no camps. We recently decided to have Eloise do one...

Quick Tips: Know Your Warranties
I am not the thriftiest human. But as pretty much the sole spender in our one-income household, I'm trying to be more mindful of how we...