About Me
Hi! My name is Kirby. I’m wife to Nick and mother of four young children. We live in an old house in a small town in New Jersey. Sometimes I call it Mayberry. It’s a happy place to live.
I love books, yoga, cut flowers in the house, simplicity, blue and white, clean floors, naps, and our front porch. Most of those things fall by the wayside most days, and I spend lots of time changing diapers, negotiating with toddlers, and cutting up fruit. I get by with a little help from wine + coffee + Jesus (usually not in that order...usually).
I try hard to create a loving, peaceful, healthy environment for my family to be nurtured so they can go out into the world and thrive.
This is where I write about what I’m learning and doing as wife and mother, and where I catalog our family’s memories for family and friends living near and far.
Thanks for stopping by!
"The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest."
Thomas Moore