About Me
Hi! My name is Kirby. I’m wife to Nick and mother of four young children. We live in an old house in a small town in New Jersey. Sometimes I call it Mayberry. It’s a happy place to live.
I love books, yoga, cut flowers in the house, simplicity, blue and white, clean floors, naps, and our front porch. Most of those things fall by the wayside most days, and I spend lots of time changing diapers, negotiating with toddlers, and cutting up fruit. I get by with a little help from wine + coffee + Jesus (usually not in that order...usually).
I try hard to create a loving, peaceful, healthy environment for my family to be nurtured so they can go out into the world and thrive.
This is where I write about what I’m learning and doing as wife and mother, and where I catalog our family’s memories for family and friends living near and far.
Thanks for stopping by!