Little Moments of Grace
Yesterday all four kids needed to get bloodwork done (!) so my mom helped me at the appointment. It was a task I was absolutely dreading...

A Strong Foundation
I read the most beautiful passage the other day, in Deuteronomy of all places. It may be one of my new favorite Bible passages! Remember...

Gratitude for the Trenches
(I want to eat him alive) We are a little bit of a mess over here. Cold upon cold is robbing us of the little sleep that was happening,...

Encouragement for the Road Ahead
Motherhood is such a funny thing. When you're in the trenches, you want so badly to be out of them. When you're not in them, you long to...

A Vow
I could tell you all about my bad day yesterday, but instead I'd rather share this poem I found today. I needed to hear it, and maybe you...

Words of Wisdom and Spinach + Eggs
“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. ...

Lessons from a Yoga Class + Happy Weekend
(photo from our Cutchogue vacation earlier this summer) Lately on “Cookie Wednesdays” when my mom comes to help me with the girls, I’ve...

For Everything There Is a Season
Despite high levels of neglect this summer, my garden is still churning out some bounty. Gardening is one of those things I'm filing...

We Are Enough
I think sometimes as moms we doubt ourselves and our worth, for one reason or another. Social media, personal expectations, comparisons...

Encouragement for the Hard Days: Favorite Books + Devotionals
Okay, I sort of take back some of what I said about summer. The past couple of weeks have been HARD. The days have been LONG. The house...