Postpartum Meals
My baby will be 6 weeks old this week I am feeling fortunate that I am just starting to "cook" again. Between the kindness of...

The New Normal
Some snippets of our life lately as we adjust to our new normal! Cutting up a pineapple AND sending an email and feeling incredibly...

Georgie Makes Three
He's here! Welcome to the world, George Alfred (better known around here as "Baby Georgie")! Our little angel baby came on March 8,...

Eloiseisms (and some Ameliaisms, too)
These girls say (and do) the darndest things. See above photo. They are like moths to a flame with mud, and with all the rain we've had...

While I Wait: Filling the Easter Baskets
Hello again! Still here waiting on baby. He's not late yet so I don't want to make the statement that ALL my children keep me waiting,...

Focus + Waiting for Baby
Hello! I haven't meant to be away so long again, and have started and abandoned multiple posts, but am too tired, pregnant, and busy...

Today I'm Feeling...
Calm and tired. Thinking it's time Nick moves into the guest room so I can spread out and hopefully get some sleep before this baby...

A Good Year
Happy almost new year! I hope 2017 was a good one for you. It was a good one for us. I am sitting here at the computer, cozy in my house,...

Finding Peace at Christmas
It's funny because as I sat down to write this morning, I noticed my last post, from a month and a half ago, was sitting unpublished in...

Contentment + News
Hello! I haven't meant to be away for so long. I've just been...busy? Yes, but not really more than usual. Pregnant? Oh yes, I haven't...