Self Care: Lunch for Mom
I've written before about what self care does and doesn't look like for me right now, and a huge part of what it does look like is...

A Salad + A Smoothie
Not something you see too often around here—a food post! This salad has been blessing me in the lunch department for about two years now,...

Hello! I solo-mommed it for a few days this week for the first time since having Amelia and am happy to report it wasn’t nearly as...

The Easiest Dinner Ever
A recipe! Something you don’t find around here too often :) My feelings about getting dinner on the table range from ambivalence at best...

Baking With Toddlers: Buddy's Zucchini Bread
By the title of this post you may have thought I was going to share some baking-with-toddler tips. I can assure you, I am not! I have no...