Self Care: Lunch for Mom
I've written before about what self care does and doesn't look like for me right now, and a huge part of what it does look like is...

Our Favorite Trail Mix
A couple weeks ago we were swimming with friends and when we took the requisite snack break and were sharing our snacks, we went crazy...

A Salad + A Smoothie
Not something you see too often around here—a food post! This salad has been blessing me in the lunch department for about two years now,...

A Dinner Hack: Feed them Fruit
I've written before about the fruit hierarchy that exists in our house (most of which still holds true--just add in pears which are...

A Quick Tip
Hello! Popping in for a quick nutrition hack. We just got back from vacation and dinner last night was leftovers + Annie's mac and...

Hello! I solo-mommed it for a few days this week for the first time since having Amelia and am happy to report it wasn’t nearly as...

The Easiest Dinner Ever
A recipe! Something you don’t find around here too often :) My feelings about getting dinner on the table range from ambivalence at best...

Let's Get Drinks
I normally drink three things: coffee, water, and wine. However, I've stumbled over some new-to-me beverages in the past week or so and...

Smoothie Love
Do you smoothie? We are big smoothie fans around here as soon as the temperatures rise, and it’s a yummy, easy and fail-safe way of...

Help Me Make a Salad
I feel silly ever offering any tips on mothering, because 1) I still feel like such a newbie in this arena, only 2.5 years into the...