Fall Motivation + Goals
Hello! It has felt so good to get back to the program the past couple days. I LOVE fall and the changes in routine it brings. Order and structure are my friends, and therefore fall is my favorite.
I have two goals for the next few months:
1. COOK DINNER. Like, actually chop and cook things as opposed to throwing things in the oven. I have been so unmotivated in the kitchen all summer and the cooler temps have brought with it a slight motivation and excitement to get back into the kitchen. Specifically within this goal, I am aiming to make one soup per week, doubled, and freeze half. There were SO many occasions last year when I found myself needing soup for a sick person in the family, and kicking myself for not better stocking my freezer. I'd like to try and get ahead of this this year.
On our drive back from Cape Cod I had about one blissful hour of both girls sleeping (which hasn't happened in about two years--am I the only person with children who don't nap in the car? We could be on a 12-hour car trip and they won't sleep for one milisecond, which is a true and traumatic story) and I spent my hour scouring the Internet for some meal inspiration. I have several weeks' worth of new-to-me recipes that I'm excited to try, and I'll share them here when I remember.
Here is our meal plan for this week:
Veggie soup + rolls (Made this last night. Nick and I really liked and the girls didn't touch, per usual, but I'm done catering my meal plans to my kids' tastebuds so I've decided that they will eat if they're hungry, and if not I'm not going to worry about it and just make what I want.)
Pizza (takeout) + salad
Grilled chicken, veggies + rice
Crockpot chicken chili (my mom's recipe)
2. NO YELLING. Or less yelling. Summer was great, but I found myself yelling a lot. Is this just the nature of summer? The nature of me and/or one of my children who caused me to do all the yelling? Either way, I don't want to be a mom who yells all the time. This is a tricky goal, especially when combined with Goal #1, as cooking and yelling normally go hand-in-hand around here. I'll let you know how it goes!
The first day of school for Eloise (who literally asked me every day this summer when school starts again):

And Amelia goes tomorrow. I am fully prepared to be ugly crying into my coffee all morning, but hopefully I can pull it together and get a pedicure with a friend instead!
Happy autumn!