On Developmental Milestones
You know how at certain points in life, everything happens all at once? That has been this summer for Eloise—so many milestones within...

Car Travel with Young Children
(Our first car voyage with three! Before we took out the 8th seat and converted to captain's chairs in the second row with Eloise in the...

Dating My Children
I once read that relationships can't experience growth in a group setting, and I agree with this. If you have more than one child, and...

"How Was Your Day?"
"How was your day at school?" If your child/children are in school of some kind, and they're old enough to report back on their day to...

Kids' Activities + Being at Home
(Don't mistake her look for fear. This is the look of pure victory at having successfully inserted herself into what was supposed to be a...

Winter Break Activities for Preschoolers
One more week of school for us and then the girls will be home on winter recess for three weeks. I am looking forward to slower, cozy...