Summer Recap
We're a week into school and I haven't yet caught my breath, but George is taking a longer nap and I have a few minutes before getting...

Midsummer Thoughts
Summer is fast and loose. Three kids, pregnancy, and a couple weeks in a row of no camps—it's hard! We've had an adjustment as we've...

Summer So Far
(Last day of school photo! I can't believe Eloise is done with preschool forever!) We are three weeks into summer and so far everyone's...

A Summer Plan: Food
Food is a big part of our summer plan. Here is my reference list for what to feed all these people who seem to need to be fed all the...

A Summer Plan
With just over a week of school left, summer is just around the corner for us, and I have been accumulating some thoughts and a loose...

The State of Things
Summer is winding down over here and it's bittersweet. Yes, this summer has been physically exhausting--three kids ages four and under at...

You Don't Have to Like It
The past couple weeks were tough ones. Snippets of life included: George deciding to go back to his newborn sleep/feeding schedule Nick...

Recreation Desperation
"Mommy don't you think we should stop making sweets every day? So we don't get sick?" Some people bake for recreation; I bake out of...

At-Home Summer Activities for Toddlers
Remember how I said we had a few camps this summer? I take all of that back. We have no camps. We recently decided to have Eloise do one...

Have a Happy Weekend
Despite all my postulating about simplicity, I still sometimes panic when there are too many openings in the calendar, or when plans fall...