Motherhood Is a Meditation
I admittedly have a limited knowledge of meditation, outside of what I learned during yoga teacher training eons ago. At least at this...

On Developmental Milestones
You know how at certain points in life, everything happens all at once? That has been this summer for Eloise—so many milestones within...

Moms as Leaders
In pregnancy I find that things affect me more. I've always been a sensitive person (HSP, INFJ, I have all the acronyms working...

A Lost Tooth + An Existential Crisis
We have our first lost tooth over here! Eloise bit into a cracker during lunch at camp yesterday and out it popped. Thankfully she didn't...

Dating My Children
I once read that relationships can't experience growth in a group setting, and I agree with this. If you have more than one child, and...

Kids' Activities + Being at Home
(Don't mistake her look for fear. This is the look of pure victory at having successfully inserted herself into what was supposed to be a...

The Easiest It Will Ever Be
There have been many times over the past several years that I've been told "It gets easier!" by parents with older kids. And this is true...

10 Things I Learned in 2018
2018 was a good year for us, and in the spirit of reflection, I thought I'd share some of the things I learned this year. (Here's last...

(Old but classic photo of motherhood in the trenches. A baby playing with a plastic bag, a naked two-year-old putting on a bra, and a...

Speak to Your Children
I had the kids at the shoe store yesterday for back-to-school shopping and was promptly reminded why I don't do things like that. Every...