Eloiseisms + Ameliaisms
These funny girls are back to school today after a week of spring break, and it was a good week for all. When my sister asked how the...

Dating My Children
I once read that relationships can't experience growth in a group setting, and I agree with this. If you have more than one child, and...

"How Was Your Day?"
"How was your day at school?" If your child/children are in school of some kind, and they're old enough to report back on their day to...

Easter Basket Filler Ideas!
Easter is coming, my most favorite holiday of all! What will the bunny bring this year? I'm still finalizing our baskets. Here are a...

Feeding the Family with a Traveling Spouse
Spring has sprung! The little kids and I spent about five hours outside in the (windy) sunshine yesterday, and it was glorious. It may...

Kids' Activities + Being at Home
(Don't mistake her look for fear. This is the look of pure victory at having successfully inserted herself into what was supposed to be a...

Confessions of a Bad Editor
Life has gotten easier in a few areas lately and I have had the idea of freedom on my mind. What am I using my freedom for? Sarah's...