Revive Me + Thoughts on Being a Type-A Mom
It's amazing what a FUN weekend can do for the soul. My angel parents kept the girls Friday and Saturday nights this past weekend and...

We seem to be at the sweet spot for saying hilarious things. Or maybe she'll be like this her whole life? Either way, sign me up. I I...

Winter Essentials: Stomach Bug Edition
I hope I'm a little wiser next winter and can handle the cold and flu season with a little more grace. We have had a tough winter,...

A Dream
Last night I had a dream that I had to go back to work, and it was my first day back at the office. I had begged and pleaded with Nick...

Weekend Links
Happy weekend! I hope it's just as beautiful where you are as it is here. We've been celebrating my birthday this weekend and I couldn't...

What's Giving Me Life
When this post could easily be titled "What's Sucking the Life Out of Me." Winter illnesses keep going around and around and we've had a...

Photo Dump + Updates
Here are some photos and updates from life lately, which, when it rarely does allow me the time to sit down and write, I am feeling a...

2017 Reading List
Or, probably more appropriately titled, Until-I-Finish-All-of-These-Books Reading List. So, see you in two years :) Know what's even more...

READING: Currently and up next. I plan to do an updated reading list soon, as I’ve recently added a ton to my library queue. My winter...

Two Quick, DIY Tips for Healthy Hair
Using things that you probably already have in your kitchen! I am quite the opposite of a DIY girl. If I can buy it, I will. I am ever...