What's Saving Your Life Right Now?
I'm sure I've talked about "What's saving your life right now?" before, but it was on my mind this morning, one of those CRAZY mornings...

Life Is...
Life lately is... *Enjoying fall! The best season of them all. We've been savoring Eloise's days off and I don't think twice about...

Monday Things
Monday! Oh, I love a Monday. (Not much has changed.) 1. To keep myself accountable for my only New Year's resolution, I've been keeping a...

Spring Fever + Costco Staples
How's that for a combination of topics? I spent a few minutes this week researching spring fever. Is this a real phenomenon? My children...

A Time for Striving
(waiting on their breakfast) Daily life...it's crazy! Just feel like I'm barely staying afloat lately. I was reading this passage from...

10 Winter Things
Forgive the rambling brain dump but I have been without much free time lately--see culprit above. 1. Seasonal uniforms. Do you have one?...

10 Things I Learned in 2018
2018 was a good year for us, and in the spirit of reflection, I thought I'd share some of the things I learned this year. (Here's last...

Four Random Things
1. Christmas break is here! I am hoping to nurse my family back to health after 4+ straight weeks of sickness circulating. See above...

Gratitude for the Trenches
(I want to eat him alive) We are a little bit of a mess over here. Cold upon cold is robbing us of the little sleep that was happening,...

Speak to Your Children
I had the kids at the shoe store yesterday for back-to-school shopping and was promptly reminded why I don't do things like that. Every...