Happy Mother's Day + Weekend Links

TGIF! I woke up this morning and was immediately so happy when I realized it was the weekend already--this week flew by. To all the mamas (especially mine!), I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! All I ever ask for is breakfast in bed and a few blessed moments of peace while I get ready for the day. If the weather cooperates, we will be having a picnic at a magical local arboretum, and I'm hoping the lilacs are still in bloom.
Here are some links for your weekend!
"Today we can choose a peaceful response." Loved this.
Treating (and dressing) children like children--I couldn't agree more.
Social success in kindergartners is just as important as good grades.
"Outside is where bugs live. You’re in the bugs’ house now. Normally you can be be mad about a bug in your house, but when you’re in the bugs’ house? They can be mad at you now." My thoughts on camping exactly.
Bad language alert but so true: Smartphones are the new cigarettes.
And I don't know what's gotten into me (not a dessert person, ever) but I've bookmarked these four recipes this week and maybe just maybe will get around to making them:
Chocolate chess pie (although I would want to use this recipe because it's what I ordered for dessert when we dined at Husk in Charleston and I still dream about it four years later)