TGIF + Links
I posted this image on Instagram this week and think it's a perfect representation of how Eloise and I generally feel about mornings....

Filling the Easter Baskets
I am just finalizing the girls' Easter baskets and thought I'd share what I came up with this year. DRAWING PAD + GEL CRAYONS : We are in...

A Confession
Mondays might be my favorite day of the week. And know what's even weirder? My least favorite day is sometimes Saturday. Why is this? I...

Revive Me + Thoughts on Being a Type-A Mom
It's amazing what a FUN weekend can do for the soul. My angel parents kept the girls Friday and Saturday nights this past weekend and...

We seem to be at the sweet spot for saying hilarious things. Or maybe she'll be like this her whole life? Either way, sign me up. I I...

Winter Essentials: Stomach Bug Edition
I hope I'm a little wiser next winter and can handle the cold and flu season with a little more grace. We have had a tough winter,...