Feeding the Family with a Traveling Spouse
Spring has sprung! The little kids and I spent about five hours outside in the (windy) sunshine yesterday, and it was glorious. It may...

A Dinner Hack: Feed them Fruit
I've written before about the fruit hierarchy that exists in our house (most of which still holds true--just add in pears which are...

Summer Simplicity
School is out and summer is here! I've been collecting some thoughts on summer for a post, but the main thing I'm aiming for is...

Focus + Waiting for Baby
Hello! I haven't meant to be away so long again, and have started and abandoned multiple posts, but am too tired, pregnant, and busy...

Stick a Fork in Me
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” –Ann Lamott Stick a fork in me, I’m done. Mothers...

For Everything There Is a Season
Despite high levels of neglect this summer, my garden is still churning out some bounty. Gardening is one of those things I'm filing...

Summer is here! We are two weeks in and having a great time. Truthfully, I was a little anxious in the weeks leading up to summer. Even...

Opting Out
Are you like me and too much noise, activity and information hurts your head? A friend who also happens to have a PhD in neuropsychology...