Weekend Reading
TGIF! Our dentist told me it was "Baldwin morning" during our visit this week. Just wait until George makes it four cleanings at a time!...

Reclaiming Sunday
I originally had this post titled "Taking Back Sunday" and it sounded vaguely familiar--maybe a movie title?--and after a quick Google...

Have a Happy Weekend
Despite all my postulating about simplicity, I still sometimes panic when there are too many openings in the calendar, or when plans fall...

Happy Mother's Day + Weekend Links
TGIF! I woke up this morning and was immediately so happy when I realized it was the weekend already--this week flew by. To all the mamas...

A Confession
Mondays might be my favorite day of the week. And know what's even weirder? My least favorite day is sometimes Saturday. Why is this? I...

Revive Me + Thoughts on Being a Type-A Mom
It's amazing what a FUN weekend can do for the soul. My angel parents kept the girls Friday and Saturday nights this past weekend and...

Weekend Links
Happy weekend! I hope it's just as beautiful where you are as it is here. We've been celebrating my birthday this weekend and I couldn't...

What are you up to this weekend? We took the girls on our annual visit to the cider mill today after they both had bloodwork done (and...

What are you up to this weekend? Nick is running the Army Ten-Miler in Washington, D.C. and we are using it as a quick getaway, just the...

Lessons from a Yoga Class + Happy Weekend
(photo from our Cutchogue vacation earlier this summer) Lately on “Cookie Wednesdays” when my mom comes to help me with the girls, I’ve...