Today I'm Feeling...

Calm and tired. Thinking it's time Nick moves into the guest room so I can spread out and hopefully get some sleep before this baby comes. Feeling sad that we probably won't be sharing a room for the next couple months but also feeling like it's necessary at this point since I haven't gotten any kind of sleep in weeks now. I've tried everything for my sore lower back and hips and the only thing that seems to help a little is sleeping in this ridiculous pike position that takes up the entire bed.
Thankful for my daughters and their relationship. Extra thankful that they have displayed virtually NO cabin fever this Christmas break (which started December 14 and is ongoing until January 8) despite the fact that we've done mostly nothing and gone mostly nowhere. I've loved having everyone home! (If you need an activity, we like making this playdough recipe.)
Happy and content in our cozy home and grateful for simple and sometimes boring days where I have nothing and yet everything to do.
Sneaky that I made date-banana smoothies this morning and passed it off as "ice cream smoothies" that everyone loved. Eloise told me, "I could eat these all day long!" Recipe is in this great cookbook that Nick got me for Christmas, and one of the authors is a neighbor from town.
COLD! And totally unmotivated to leave the house. I thought about taking the girls to library rhyme time this morning and they were so happily playing and I just could not muster. Wishing for spring already. Or at least that our single-degree temperatures would go away.
Slightly guilty that I don't plan more things for us to "do" and that they spend their days largely unstructured, playing together and running amok. But also reminding myself that it isn't my job to be their personal entertainer. They are happy! And if I continue to set the bar low, hopefully that will serve them well in life.
Missing my husband after he was home with us for 10 days over Christmas. Looking forward to the weekend.
A renewed motivation to read books instead of peruse social media for a few minutes before bed each night. Loving and about to finish this book and about to pick this one up from the library...if I can ever leave my house again.
Thankful for the reprieve from school germs and the health we've all enjoyed for the past month or so. Not looking forward to the busier schedules and germ onslaught that starts next week. Maybe I could just homeschool?
Overwhelmed at the upcoming task of moving the girls into the same room, and hopeful that they will still be good sleepers! Unsure what the nap situation will be like (both girls still nap 1-3/4ish, although Eloise just reads for a couple hours about half the time now and seems to only need an actual nap every 3 days or so) but the current plan is to nap Mimi in their room and Eloise can nap/have quiet time in the guest room. Mourning the end of simultaneous nap schedules once the baby comes, but so looking forward to meeting our little guy.
How are you today? Happy Wednesday!