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Georgie Makes Three

He's here! Welcome to the world, George Alfred (better known around here as "Baby Georgie")!

Our little angel baby came on March 8, clocking in at 7lbs 5oz and 20in long. Labor was quick and manageable, and he was born in the water an hour after we got into our hospital room and caught by his mama! He is sweet, mellow, and loved by all.

In hindsight, I would advise strongly against having a baby in March. Little man came on the night of a huge blizzard which left us without power for 3 days, and between weeks of fretting about someone catching the flu right before/during/after baby came and then panicking about the weekly string of nor'easters New Jersey got hit with, it wasn't the calmest month to have a baby! But we made it and we're so happy that he's joined our family.

We are easing into life as a family of 5. So far, so good. Nick took two weeks off and was a huge help to me. The girls had virtually no adjustment to their new sibling--they are naturals and are so sweet with him--but there was a definite adjustment to Daddy being home full-time (for both him AND them!) and we had some ugly behavior as they adjusted to their normally-fun parent take on the roles of disciplinarian, school shuttler, errand runner, and overall household manager.

With each child I think I've gotten more relaxed about letting things go when a new baby comes, but toward the end of the second week I definitely began to feel the itch to get back to some semblance of a routine. As I've started to get back into the swing of things, I find myself being grateful for the tasks I'm doing, even as the pace has gotten hectic. I like this job and I'm good at it, and my people need me. We need to find a new normal now, but I'm trying to be patient and not put too much pressure on myself to figure all of that out yet. Because seriously, I have no idea how it's going to happen :) But it will, because it always does eventually.

Now if we could just will some spring weather to grace us with its presence, we will be good to go!

Some images from our first 2.5 weeks as a party of five:

I love paternity leave! Especially when the big kids are at preschool :) Why did I ever think one baby was hard?

Mimi LOVES being a big sister.

He lasted two weeks in our room and now he's in the nursery. If I had to describe my nighttime parenting style, it would be called something like "the anti-cosleeper." This is one grunty little sleeper and we are all slightly more well-rested (term used lightly) now that everyone is in their own room. Nap training has also loosely begun, and so far so good!

Three days old

The girls meeting their brother for the first time <3

Maiden voyage with three!

Eloise is a natural with him.

Last weekend on a whim I hired a babysitter and Nick and I took our quietest child to brunch and on an errand and it was glorious! I think Saturday afternoon dates will become our new thing because 1) will any babysitter want to handle our clan at bedtime now? and 2) we're too tired to leave the house after 4pm anyway.

My crib napper will be awake soon and then it's off to pick the big kids up at school. I hope to be back here soon enough!


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