Eloiseisms (and some Ameliaisms, too)

These girls say (and do) the darndest things. See above photo. They are like moths to a flame with mud, and with all the rain we've had lately, I seem to be doing a lot of daily yelling about mud. Yesterday before school they had about a 4-second headstart over me getting out the door and somehow still managed to both dump muddy water over each other's heads. Thankfully they both had hoods on!
Here are some of the latest and greatest soundbites from around these parts.
"This is so boring that it's so peaceful in here."
(after telling her someone had a rough day) "Well I had a smooth day."
(her thoughts on turning 4) "Now I need bigger undies."
(when Nick was singing off key) "You're singing too loose."
(after grace when we thanked God for bringing Nick home safely after a work trip) "How did God and Jesus do that? Didn't the airplane do that?"
(when I was explaining what a bank is) "I actually know what a bank is. It's what's next to the Jordan River."
"Work is a beautiful place where you just get to work work work all day and be a daddy."
"You're finding lots of good ways to train us, aren't you Mommy?"
"Let's keep that question for when we go up in heaven."
Her signature saying is "You're my best friend."
Every time she makes a mistake: "oop a dee dee!" (oopsy daisy)
(pointing to my belly button, which she is convinced is the baby's nose) "Him don't really come off."
(when being disciplined, in a cheerful voice) "Ok naughty mommy!" and sometimes "I can't hear you right now."
waddle boddle = water bottle
too heady = too heavy
"in a mitten" = in a minute