Weekend Links
Happy weekend! I hope it's just as beautiful where you are as it is here. We've been celebrating my birthday this weekend and I couldn't...

What's Giving Me Life
When this post could easily be titled "What's Sucking the Life Out of Me." Winter illnesses keep going around and around and we've had a...

READING: Currently and up next. I plan to do an updated reading list soon, as I’ve recently added a ton to my library queue. My winter...

Life Lately in Pictures
Forgive my absences, which seem to keep getting longer and longer. Sometimes I think my blog is dying a slow death but I do really love...

Have a Cozy Thanksgiving
I almost got a post together, but the mailman and his noisy truck prematurely woke up Amelia from her nap and I have some choice words...

Words of Wisdom and Spinach + Eggs
“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. ...

What are you up to this weekend? We took the girls on our annual visit to the cider mill today after they both had bloodwork done (and...

October in Pictures
Bear with me, this month has been BUSY and CRAZY. Lots of plans, lots of teething, lots of illnesses, lots of attitude, lots of hours of...

Catching Up
WATCHING: Narcos—two more episodes to go! And so excited for The Walking Dead to start tonight! (Although I think technically we have to...

What are you up to this weekend? Nick is running the Army Ten-Miler in Washington, D.C. and we are using it as a quick getaway, just the...