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October in Pictures

Bear with me, this month has been BUSY and CRAZY. Lots of plans, lots of teething, lots of illnesses, lots of attitude, lots of hours of missed sleep. Here is a random photo dump of pictures from the month!

I have a hard time buying Amelia any clothing, since she and Eloise were born in the same season and she can wear all of Eloise's old things. I splurged on a couple dresses for her this season to match some of Eloise's new dresses and I'm so glad I did because there is nothing cuter than this! (Sorry for giving you so much grief when Morgan and I would match growing up, Mom.) Matching forever!

Lately, a day out of the house is seeming a lot easier than a day in the house. Nick told me that kids are like puppies and you just have to run them to tire them out. We had a free day last week and went to one of our favorite local parks for a walk and a snack and they had the time of their lives.

Our new morning routine. This sweet child finally likes books! Makes me so happy. She couldn't be bothered to sit for more than a second up until a couple weeks ago, but now after she wakes up in the morning and after nap she goes over to her bookshelves and brings me book upon book to read and we are both loving it.

Getting out the door. Will it ever not be painful? But more importantly, how adorable is this hat? Thank you Toni!!

Starbucks date. I was shaking in my boots this past week because I had to tackle a big grocery shop AND a pediatrician visit, which are about 30 minutes from each other in completely different directions, within a span of about three hours. We conquered it and the girls were so good that we even had time for Starbucks, so they got a special treat.

And why was that grocery trip so successful? Because of this wonderful contraption! I don't care what anyone says about these behemoth carts--for mothers of young children they are lifesavers. I wish our grocery store had more of them--I'm fairly certain there's only one of these that fits two children up top and two below and a couple smaller ones that fit one in the cart and one in the car. An angel left it in the cart return for me on a rainy day, and neither girl made a peep the whole shopping trip!

My little pumpkin at Eloise's school trip to the pumpkin patch earlier this month. Those cheeks and that nose, I can't handle it.

Our morning "commute" to school! SO VERY THANKFUL that this is my commute and these are my people.

End-of-day clean sweep revealed a real live couch potato. And semi related, lately I can't find ANYTHING. I used to be one of those people who could count on one hand the number of things I've lost in my life. Now, we seem to be losing things left and right. I'm convinced we live in a black hole. TV remote? Been gone for weeks. Nick's sunglasses? My angel mother revisited the park where we had family photos taken this past weekend and they were there!!!! Thank you mom!!!!

Sunday hike at a new-to-us place, Ken Lockwood Gorge. So pretty! (It's taking everything in my power to refrain from using the obvious pun here. Old habits die hard...English major for life.)

My yardwork "helper." She looks like a mini Nick here and I could eat her alive.

My favorite ladies! This past Saturday, every single member of our family was having a bad day for one reason or another. We were in Newtown for the day and as Morgan was driving Mom and I home from the hair salon, Mom said, "Pull over girls!" as we passed a local restaurant/bar. We only had 15 minutes to spare before Joe needed to get picked up at the train but we made GOOD use of those minutes and emerged much happier! It's 5:00 somewhere!

More reading. Pure sweetness, Mimi Jeanne!

Halloween preview at her school Halloween party. "Little Lou Peep." Guess who's going to be the sheep?

I have sunken to new lows in the kitchen shortcut department. Pre-chopped soup starter because who has time to chop anything anymore? It pains me to think about the markup on things like this but at this point in life it is seeming pretty necessary. Cheaper than takeout--that's my rationale!

Favorite way to clean my rings--soak all day in white vinegar and add a couple drops of lemon essential oil. Scrub with a toothbrush underneath hot running water and they're squeaky clean!

Watching the garbage men never gets old.

Just one of MANY MANY doctor visits this month. This month we've visited the ER, urgent care, Minute Clinic, the pediatrician almost weekly, and I've been on the phone with the on-call doctor more than I can count. PRAYING for a healthier winter than we've had fall. And I keep reminding myself that these are minor things--a cold is not the end of the world.

So many vitamins. Eloise was on antibiotics for the second time in her life this month and I may have over-researched the effects of antibiotics on gut flora and the immune system, had a mild attack, and went to the health food store and over-bought a bevy of new supplements to replenish them. Found here, here, and here. Unpictured is this garlic oil that I also bought, which was recommended to help dry up fluid in Eloise's ear after the antibiotic failed to do so, and it worked really well.

Big kid in training! She refuses to wear a bib so she's usually eating naked or with one of Nick's old t-shirts on. And she rarely eats at her high chair anymore--she's happiest in her learning tower or on Eloise's kitchen chair.

And that's been a month! Happy Halloween to you!

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