Catching Up
I'm not sure I'll ever truly be able to catch up here again! Does anyone even read this thing anymore? We found out, after much...

Little Moments of Grace
Yesterday all four kids needed to get bloodwork done (!) so my mom helped me at the appointment. It was a task I was absolutely dreading...

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming
Sisters and chocolate milkshakes—what could be better? I had to delete the News app from my phone the other day. It was all too much! The...

Quarantine Days
Checking in from the end of our fifth week of quarantine. How are you holding up? Most days we're pretty good. I'm prioritizing my mental...

Quarantine Hair
How are you doing today? I had a hard day yesterday. The weight of bad news after bad news, including some Covid-related deaths just...

Life in the Time of Quarantine
Hello! We're another week into our quarantine, bringing it up to three weeks now. How are you holding up? I have been through all the...

Notes from Our Quarantine
How are you doing? We are two weeks into our quarantine now. I am much less anxious than I was last week but do still have bouts of...

The End of the World + The Rainy Day Activity Box
I have cried. I have prayed. I have stockpiled. I have gotten yelled at at the grocery store for "taking all the food." I have stayed up...

Motherhood Is a Meditation
I admittedly have a limited knowledge of meditation, outside of what I learned during yoga teacher training eons ago. At least at this...

What's Saving Your Life Right Now?
I'm sure I've talked about "What's saving your life right now?" before, but it was on my mind this morning, one of those CRAZY mornings...