What are you up to this weekend? Nick is running the Army Ten-Miler in Washington, D.C. and we are using it as a quick getaway, just the two of us--our first since before Amelia was born. I am SO EXCITED!
Here are a bunch of links and things I've liked lately:
"Even though most of us can easily articulate what’s killing us, few of us pay attention to what’s giving us life." Love this idea. My current list would include: waking up before the kids, Praise Baby on Pandora during the breakfast hour, and Cookie Thursdays (when my mom comes and helps with the girls--yesterday I got to take a barre class AND have extra hands at the pediatrician for double flu shots, the luxury!!).
More reasons to love ACV. (I have been known to have hour-long conversations about ACV at parties. I know you want me to attend your next party.)
"Rarely does an email require more than three sentences. If it does, consider calling or getting together in person. Social interaction is healthy, and more time spent in the inbox isn’t likely to be." Loved these new email etiquette rules.
Also, two recent purchases I'm loving:
Boxed cards! This is definitely not a novel idea, but I bought three boxes of assorted cards to have on hand so I'm not running to the store every time I need one for an occasion, and I feel so prepared now! Nice designs and so much more economical than even the 99 cent cards, too.
And now that we'll be storing our air conditioning units for the season (we have window units), I've been on the hunt for a white noise machine for our bedroom. The girls have had these since they were born, and they're just okay. I LOVE the white noise provided by AC units (is that crazy?) and I was so excited to find this white noise machine, which comes with 10 different fan sounds and 10 white noises. I am in LOVE! If you live in a creaky old house like ours, or if you're a white noise junkie too, I would highly recommend it! Amelia's sound machine recently bit the dust so I got her the junior version, which is also great.
Happy weekending!