Catching Up

WATCHING: Narcos—two more episodes to go! And so excited for The Walking Dead to start tonight! (Although I think technically we have to wait to watch it until tomorrow because we don’t have cable so we buy the season on Amazon and there’s a one-day delay.)
MAKING: Next to nothing, but when I do it's all crock pot, all the time. This is in the slow cooker for tonight, and I also made this the other day (halved the sugar and omitted the Sriracha) and it was a big hit with 3/4 of us.
WEARING: My new favorite tee on repeat. Perfect shape—form fitting where you want it to be and drapey enough in the midsection but not overly so.
READING: Just finished. Just starting. Have been reading on and off for at least six months now and picked it up again last night because do antibiotics make anyone else’s child turn into a maniac?
Here are a bunch of links I’ve liked lately and am just getting around to doing one of these posts!
"Water your own grass." I loved this post and needed to hear it this week.
The afterlife of a ballerina. "'I've seen the same story over and over, repeating itself...The end comes very abruptly, and usually not by their choice. As a dancer you spend most of the day in the studio rehearsing and performing, and suddenly this is gone from your life. It's a tragedy, it's a vacuum.'"
Smart lady. I am very close to throwing out all the toys!
Teaching kids emotional agility. "Many common parental strategies, like minimizing either the emotion or the underlying problem or rushing to the rescue, fail to help a child learn how to help herself."
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!