A Confession
Mondays might be my favorite day of the week. And know what's even weirder? My least favorite day is sometimes Saturday.
Why is this? I still don't fully know. But if I had to guess, it would go something like this:
Saturdays should be about fun, socialization, and a break from the daily grind. They connote images of rest, relaxation, and ease.
Mondays are about getting back to business as usual. They bring back duty, structure and routine to the week.
Saturdays usually still have many duties, and the lack of structure and routine can make me cranky because my kids do well with structure and routine, and so do I.
Socialization isn't always easily achieved due to nap schedules, distance of many of our family/friends, etc. If it IS achieved, sometimes it feels like one more thing to do. And during the winter months I think we've had almost two straight months of weekends go down the tubes thanks to illness.
But Mondays! I like them. I like my daily routine, and I like my "job." When Eloise has school, I like regrouping around the house and having a quiet day with Amelia. If Eloise is home, I like having both of my chickadees to myself to go wherever the wind blows us.
Does that make any sense to you? I'm not even sure it makes sense to me. I would venture to say I am one of the few people in the world who feel this way! And I'd also guess that if other moms do feel this way, then it's a phenomenon unique to moms who are at home full-time with their kids.
I totally recognize this is a nice problem to have! But it's a problem nonetheless, and a cranky mom makes for a cranky family, so I need to make some changes.
Lower my expectations! Saturdays of the pre-kids era are gone, but that doesn't mean that there can't be a new version.
Recognize that other members of the family are fueled by activity and spontaneity (aka my husband, and Eloise too).
Let the to-do list go on the weekends so that I can be more present with my family.
Remember that this is just a phase, and before we know it, there won't be as many of the restrictions on our weekends that currently exist.
Also remember that before I know it, I will be back to work in some form or fashion and weekends will take on a whole different flow!
What about you? Am I the only person who likes Mondays and is wary of weekends?