Weekend Reading

Our dentist told me it was "Baldwin morning" during our visit this week. Just wait until George makes it four cleanings at a time! Am I the only one who schedules things this way? Bang it all out at once, two hours in the dentist be darned.
Here are some links from around the web for your weekend reading:
How to Avoid Overscheduling. Loved the bit about the pioneers!
Gains and Losses. "If I don't gloss the past with sentimentality (something I have a tendency to do), some of those years I couldn't wait for the routine of school to start, for a little more structure to our days, and a little more calmness-some days stretched me to my breaking points, some made me wish for just a moment alone in the bathroom for God's sake. But I gave them my all, and I wouldn't trade a thing for that blessed opportunity to share my days no matter what they ended up like."
What Do 90-Somethings Regret Most? "Their joys and regrets have nothing to do with their careers, but with their parents, children, spouses, and friends. Put simply, when I asked one person, 'Do you wish you accomplished more?' he responded, “No, I wished I loved more.'”
Six Strategies to Help Introverts Thrive at School and Feel Understood. Too soon to tell if I have any introverted children (although if I had to guess I'm thinking that's a negative), but I sure wish my teachers had read this when I was in school!
And I'm certain I've posted this one before because it's a few years old, but I came across it recently and it made me laugh all over again. Vacation or trip? According to this I haven't been on a vacation since 2013.
Happy weekending!