Back by popular demand! The latest and greatest from my almost-threenager. "Mimi Jeanne, your eyes are as big and blue as blueberries...

The Birthday Baby
We celebrated miss Amelia’s birthday over the weekend. My philosophy on kids’ birthday parties (and most things) is to keep it small and...

Sweet Amelia
Our Amelia Jeanne is ONE today! (Our first selfie. I wish I could reach into this picture and smooch that face right off.) This baby is...

Life Lately
How is your weekend? I'm happy to report ours has been great. Everyone is healthy again, we made it to church just in time for Eloise's...

Because sometimes you just need a good laugh, here are some of the latest soundbites from my funny eldest child. "Does the Tooth Fairy...

Best Weekend Ever
We had the best weekend ever. The best! My sister and her boyfriend came and stayed with us for an overnight. I wish they lived with us!...

Summer is here! We are two weeks in and having a great time. Truthfully, I was a little anxious in the weeks leading up to summer. Even...

Random Ramblings
Just some random thoughts swirling around my brain this week! We are by no means purists, but I do try and shop as healthfully as I know...

Help Me Make a Salad
I feel silly ever offering any tips on mothering, because 1) I still feel like such a newbie in this arena, only 2.5 years into the...

Sunday Fun Day
Do you ever go on a date on a Sunday night? I am here to tell you it is one of the best things to happen to Nick and I lately. Our...