Back by popular demand! The latest and greatest from my almost-threenager.
"Mimi Jeanne, your eyes are as big and blue as blueberries are."

"When you're not a mommy you wear fancy dresses and cloppy shoes and you clop all around."
"Jesus cares for us, and daddies too."

(when I told her I was disappointed about something she did) "No, that's making you peaceful and happy."
"Mom are you still wearing your jammies?"

(crying) "I'm just really sad because my feet are super duper big." (her feet are teeny tiny like the rest of her)
"Have a nice time and don't be bad, mommy."
(pointing to Nick's khakis as I was folding laundry) "Can you put those in Daddy's room, his little brown jeans?"

(every time she rides her bike) "Daddy, when you turn into a little girl one day you can ride a pink bike too."
"The other day I looked out my window and there was no moon and I was a little scared but then God said it's okay."
(when I told her I wish I could go to school with her) "But now you're big like a mommy, like a tree. Your school is over."