Sweet Amelia
Our Amelia Jeanne is ONE today!

(Our first selfie. I wish I could reach into this picture and smooch that face right off.)
This baby is sweet, sweet, sweet. She has been smiling since almost day one. She is my snuggler in the family. I can’t tell you how many people have told me what a peaceful baby she is, and it’s true—she brings peace to my soul and so much joy to our family. I can’t imagine life without her.

(Family of four! <3 I will never be one of those women who bother with makeup, hair, or wearing anything but a hospital gown in the hospital and therefore have zero attractive pictures with either of my brand-new babies.)
She was an EASY baby—something I thought didn't exist. Thank you Jesus! I forgive her for being 11 days late because she came out in one push. Love those second children!

We thought her name would lend itself to the nickname Mimi, but she is our Mimi Jeanne through and through. Nick said to me last night, “Can you imagine a more Southern name?” but it suits her so well. I had a neighbor say hi to Amelia yesterday and I think there was some concern that registered on the neighbor’s face because Amelia didn’t turn her head—but once I explained the nickname, Mimi Jeanne turned her head right away!

(Home from the hospital! The nurses thought we were crazy because we sprung ourselves early and came home 24 hours later. Home is so much cozier than the hospital!)
This child is patient, patient, patient. She is along for the ride.

(Buried in toys, SOS. Never gonna cry about it, though.)

(Sisterly jewelry application. Note the waist necklace. "I'm tyin' Mimi Jeanne up for the day.")
Raising a pair of SISTERS is an answered prayer I never even knew I had. God knows what He's doing, that's for sure. Seeing their relationship grow warms my heart every day.

And seeing Nick with them? Forget about it. I love this family!!!!

(Best and most handsome daddy ever)
This little lady has sparkle. One of the things I say to her most is, "Are you kidding me?" She is edible. I'm convinced that heaven smells like her sweet cheeks and I kiss them a million times a day.

She loves her sister, scooting around the house, and all pork products (ham, bacon, jerky, you name it). She will eat them, in the words of Eloise, “until the cows come home."

She is a mama's girl every day of the week and you won't find me complaining about it. (Don't be fooled by this picture, she could do without the beach, though.)

We are so grateful to be entrusted with this sweet angel child. We love you, sweet Mimi Jeanne!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Ps. 139:14