"I have to take my sister because I'm in charge of her because I have to train her." (after telling her we were going to get snow)...

Happy New Year
Hello again and happy new year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. We had a very merry Christmas. It was the first Christmas that...

Merry Christmas!
An early Merry Christmas to you! I'm signing off for a few weeks. I had all kinds of holiday things I wanted to talk to you about, but...

Life Lately in Pictures
Forgive my absences, which seem to keep getting longer and longer. Sometimes I think my blog is dying a slow death but I do really love...

October in Pictures
Bear with me, this month has been BUSY and CRAZY. Lots of plans, lots of teething, lots of illnesses, lots of attitude, lots of hours of...

A Weekend Getaway
We're back! We had a great little getaway to our nation's capital. The trip that almost wasn't! Two hours into our car ride I got a call...

"Are the ants sleeping in their corner bed?" (ant trap) "I like your stomach because you just had a baby. Why is that part so big?" (I...

Hello from the other side of a busy and great week. We got back from Cape Cod on Saturday, school started Monday, and life has been...

Cape Cod 2016
Going out of order here with a quick Cape Cod recap. We had the best time. We determined that it should not be called “vacation” when you...

First Day of School 2016
It's the first day of school! I could pretend I was sad about it but that would be a lie. We were ALL ready. Eloise has been asking me...