The Birthday Baby

We celebrated miss Amelia’s birthday over the weekend. My philosophy on kids’ birthday parties (and most things) is to keep it small and simple. Historically, my kids are always fussy at their birthday parties due to overstimulation, missed bedtimes, and sugar, but as the years go on I think I care less, and we all had a great time.

Eloise always calls her "Mimi Jeanne Princess" whenever she has a crown on :)

Sweet sisters! SO many years have gone by in which momentous events (like having your babies in matching Lilly Pulitzer) go undocumented because the party gets away from us, so I am getting smarter and try to take any desired photos BEFORE guests arrive or, if we're going somewhere, as soon as we get there.

I'm having slight technical difficulties with the video function but hopefully you get the gist. This might go down in history as saddest first birthday reaction ever. What the video doesn't show is me laughing. Am I the only mom who sometimes finds it funny when her children are crying (when all their basic needs are being met, of course)? Maybe I'm demented but I got a real kick out of this.
Cookie and Pop (my parents' grandparent names) got the girls their very own wagon as a combined birthday gift, as Eloise's birthday is just over six weeks away! We took the wagon on its maiden voyage the next day, which I was protesting because it's been SO unbearably hot here. Nick told me "Let's roast" and get out of the house for a bit. Eloise misunderstood and said, "Yeah, let's roost." So here we are, roosting away.

In other news, if you're ever at my house and can't find something, chances are it has ended up in the pack and play. This little squirrel's new favorite trick is to toss anything she can get her hands on in here: TV remotes, coasters, you name it. The only thing you won't ever find in here is, of course, a baby. Despite my earlier statement on crying babies, I wouldn't go THAT far and actually put my baby down. That would just be torture for both of us :)

I hope you're having a good week!