First Day of School 2016
It's the first day of school!

I could pretend I was sad about it but that would be a lie. We were ALL ready. Eloise has been asking me every day lately if she can go to school, how many more sleeps until school, etc. As I was taking her picture outside the school sign this morning, she asked me, “Mom, can you sign me in now?”
She is her mother’s daughter, as apparently on my first day of kindergarten I marched right inside and didn’t look back, where if I had, I would have seen my mom crying into her tissue box. Don’t get me wrong, the thought of kindergarten (which is full day here) sends me into a tizzy and I can’t even think about that right now. I WILL cry on that day and probably many days leading up to it. But three mornings a week at a preschool that is a five minute walk away is great with me!

It was so wonderful spending some unhurried time with this little lamb, and now that she’s dropped her morning nap, we have lots of plans for our one-on-one time. (We may have done a drive-by on the way home from the grocery store and caught an Eloise sighting in the sandbox.)
Eloise had a great first day. She was SO excited. As she hopped in the stroller this morning singing “Jesus loves me” she told me about all the friends she was going to make. I would like to bottle her confidence and I hope she always carries it with her. And I need to re-read these sentences any time (every time) her “leadership skills” frustrate me. And she came right home, put on her jammies unprompted, climbed in bed, asked for a Bible story, said “Goodnight, Mom!” and both girls went down for their nap. Hallelujah!!!

I hope your Monday is off to a good start!