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Cape Cod 2016

Going out of order here with a quick Cape Cod recap.

We had the best time. We determined that it should not be called “vacation” when you have young children but rather “voluntary recreational displacement.” The first few trips we took after Eloise was born I remember having a hard time adjusting my expectations with what vacation was like pre-kids and how much work it is now, regardless of where you are. Fast forward a few years and I think we go into trips with our eyes pretty wide open now, and as long as we remember that it’s the same routine, just in a different place, it’s great!

The girls shared a room, which they haven’t done since our Cutchogue trip in June when Amelia was much younger and less mobile. On night one, I was quaking with fear and convinced we would have to turn around and come home the next day because no By day two, they knew the drill, and Nick and I both felt like we were in control of our children and our destinies (an illusion, of course) because they napped and slept in the same room quite well the rest of the trip! Which is basically all I ever care about on vacation and in life, so I was a happy camper.

The TV in the living room of the house we were staying in was broken, and it was perfect. Nick and I put the girls to bed early each night, and played rummy, chess, and checkers over glasses of wine with all the windows open. It was magical. I challenge you to turn off the TV and your computers/tablets/phones at night and talk to your spouse! Or your roommates! Or if you live alone, call someone on the phone! I had rented a couple TV series on DVD from the library, and they remained in the case all week. It was truly refreshing to unplug.

The girls loved Old Silver Beach, and it was a perfect spot for little ones since the water was so calm. We rode our bikes everywhere, which I was unsure about since I’ve never ridden with a child carrier on my bike, but my passenger Amelia and I did great. Needless to say, each home on the Cape seems to be prettier than the next, and it was so fun riding around and noticing all the details on the beautiful homes.

Lowlight of the trip: our day trip to Martha’s Vineyard. First of all, I don’t really like “day trips” anywhere. They are exhausting and you’re without a home base, which is key in traveling with kids. We rode the Island Queen ferry, which Amelia instantly decided to hate (and Eloise loved, which is no surprise if you are familiar with my adventurer of an eldest child), which made for a long 35 minute ride, times two. We had planned on ferrying over to Oak Bluffs, riding the carousel, getting an ice cream cone, and leaving. Well, the ferry was closed, and without an activity to occupy us (in the rain), it was too early for most of the restaurants and ice cream shops to be open. We stopped in the Black Dog Café, got snacks to go, and waited for our ferry to come home. Coincidentally, we saw our New Jersey next door neighbors getting off their ferry as we were waiting for ours!

(their difference in opinion on the ferry is QUITE evident)

Highlight of the trip: The Knob. Hands-down one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. Eloise hiked almost the whole way to the top, and both girls loved the little beach at Quisset Harbor. Apparently many weddings happen at the top, and it made me want to renew my vows there for our 10-year anniversary. (Don’t worry Dad, you don’t have to pay this time :))

We also ventured into downtown Falmouth one day which has a great playground, and the shops seemed cute too which I would have perused in a past life. And the aquarium in Woods Hole is perfect for little ones, as you can do the whole thing in about 15 minutes. Eloise loved the touch tanks upstairs. Great food experiences: Captain Kidd’s in Woods Hole where I had the biggest lobster roll of my life, and Seafood Sam’s for fried seafood takeout BLISS.

And one of the best best parts of all vacation? Going into the girls’ room after their nap one day, laying down next to Eloise, and rubbing her back as she slowly woke up for a good 10-15 minutes, silently blinking those huge eyes at me. Nick was with Amelia elsewhere, and I got to look at my beautiful and precious big girl without having to talk, explain things, discipline, or divide my attention between her and her sister. Just the two of us, with nowhere else to go, nothing else to do, just being in the moment. What vacation is all about!

It was a great way to cap off the summer. We are ready for you, fall!

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