A Halloween Hack
Who needs to hack Halloween, you ask? When in prior years you've been known as the Grinch of Halloween (me), you (I) need a few tricks up...

Self Care: Lunch for Mom
I've written before about what self care does and doesn't look like for me right now, and a huge part of what it does look like is...

A Summer Plan: Food
Food is a big part of our summer plan. Here is my reference list for what to feed all these people who seem to need to be fed all the...

Our Favorite Trail Mix
A couple weeks ago we were swimming with friends and when we took the requisite snack break and were sharing our snacks, we went crazy...

Monday Things
Monday! Oh, I love a Monday. (Not much has changed.) 1. To keep myself accountable for my only New Year's resolution, I've been keeping a...

Spring Fever + Costco Staples
How's that for a combination of topics? I spent a few minutes this week researching spring fever. Is this a real phenomenon? My children...

Feeding the Family with a Traveling Spouse
Spring has sprung! The little kids and I spent about five hours outside in the (windy) sunshine yesterday, and it was glorious. It may...

A Salad + A Smoothie
Not something you see too often around here—a food post! This salad has been blessing me in the lunch department for about two years now,...

10 Winter Things
Forgive the rambling brain dump but I have been without much free time lately--see culprit above. 1. Seasonal uniforms. Do you have one?...

A Dinner Hack: Feed them Fruit
I've written before about the fruit hierarchy that exists in our house (most of which still holds true--just add in pears which are...