My Only Resolution for the New Year

credit: Emily McDowell Studio
I recently saw something that said something along the lines of, consumerism wants us to feel bad about ourselves--that's how it makes money! Let's not all put a bunch of pressure on ourselves to start a new year with a "new me" because many times, the "old me" is just fine, thank you.
The majority of the past five years my sole resolution has been to make it through in one piece. Anything on top of that has felt like self-inflicted torture. This year I got a little frisky and made myself one resolution that seems manageable, nourishing, and something very "old me": read more books.
What I'm trying to do with this resolution, in addition to reading more, is twofold: 1) go to bed earlier, and 2) put down the phone more. I've done this experiment in the past and it works beautifully: when I have a book lying around the house and it is my default "pause" instead of my phone, my brain is less scattered, my kids are less needy, I am more present, and as an added bonus, it sets a good example for my kids.
I've been in a fiction rut for a long time now and am feeling reenergized with my reading goal list, which has both fiction and nonfiction.
Here it is, in case you're in the market for some reading inspiration too!
Currently reading:
Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head (this book is so fascinating! highly recommend for all parents, and don't judge a book by its cover)
Do you have any resolutions for the new year? Are you reading anything good right now? I'd love to know!