Little Moments of Grace
Yesterday all four kids needed to get bloodwork done (!) so my mom helped me at the appointment. It was a task I was absolutely dreading...

Life in the Time of Quarantine
Hello! We're another week into our quarantine, bringing it up to three weeks now. How are you holding up? I have been through all the...

Notes from Our Quarantine
How are you doing? We are two weeks into our quarantine now. I am much less anxious than I was last week but do still have bouts of...

A Strong Foundation
I read the most beautiful passage the other day, in Deuteronomy of all places. It may be one of my new favorite Bible passages! Remember...

Confessions of a Bad Editor
Life has gotten easier in a few areas lately and I have had the idea of freedom on my mind. What am I using my freedom for? Sarah's...

Merry Christmas
I am signing off until after Christmas--today is Nick's last day in the office for a few days and I plan on soaking in my family while...

God Bless George
We had the most special day celebrating George's baptism with family and friends. Here are some photos from the day, if you'd like to...

Finding Peace at Christmas
It's funny because as I sat down to write this morning, I noticed my last post, from a month and a half ago, was sitting unpublished in...

Merry Christmas!
An early Merry Christmas to you! I'm signing off for a few weeks. I had all kinds of holiday things I wanted to talk to you about, but...

Words of Wisdom and Spinach + Eggs
“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. ...