The State of Things

Summer is winding down over here and it's bittersweet.
Yes, this summer has been physically exhausting--three kids ages four and under at home all day every day with no camps. But in my experience, the first year with a new baby is always exhausting, summer or not, other kids or not, and I think we've done pretty well for ourselves.
We've done all the crafting, bike riding, swimming, and playground-ing. We had the best vacation. We've had lots of porch picnics, made lots of ice cream, gone to lots of farmer's markets, and watched lots of TV (if we're being honest). We haven't seen a ton of Nick and somehow I've managed to not lose my mind. I'd like to get in a couple more playdates and one more swim at the pool, but for the most part I think we've lived our best summer lives.
There were plenty of times I was wishing for school to start, but now that it's upon us in a couple weeks of course I'm sad about it. I can't be pleased. I will miss these little people for the paltry 4.5 hours they're out of the house three and five days a week, and I'm sure I won't know what to do with myself.
On the other hand, it will be nice to have one-on-one time with the littlest one, especially because I have a feeling that he is going to keep me busy! He is starting to roll all over the place and he is BIG and STRONG. It's so much fun having a little boy--it really is so different! He always wants to be going, like baby Eloise, except he will tolerate my endless snuggles which I do appreciate.
I may think I'll have a little time on my hands come fall but I probably won't, and that's ok too.
I do have a couple goals for the fall because I tend to do things like that.
Nick and I usually try to get out one night each month, but that went by the wayside this summer because we usually have to go after the kids are in bed and at that point I've just been wanting to collapse.
Exhaustion be darned, we are going out tonight! Our weekends are pretty busy for the forseeable future so I hired a sitter for tonight, a Wednesday, and we'll go out after I put George to bed. We don't have much success with the girls going down to bed for a babysitter (I'm looking at you, Mimi) but it won't be the end of the world if we have to put them down when we get home around 8:00, and that way we're still home early enough that we can have downtime before bed.
I actually think that's my only real goal. Other considerations were:
sleep train George
cook from a recipe once a week
...but I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself to do torturous things like those. I did sign up to be notified of when SK Cooking Club starts because I may try that for a month and see if I get some meal inspiration. I also just took One Pan & Done and Sheet Pan Suppers out of the library, to which Nick asked, "You’re going to cook out of a recipe book? Cool!"
If it doesn't work out I'll continue "slinging hash," which is the most accurate way to describe my cooking style.
As for sleep training, I've historically given my babies 6 months to do what they please at night and then I lock it up, so George, this is your warning.

(And then again maybe not. Do whatever you want. He won't be nursing through the night in college so I'll sleep then, right?)