Motherhood Is a Meditation
I admittedly have a limited knowledge of meditation, outside of what I learned during yoga teacher training eons ago. At least at this...

She's Here!
Alice Elizabeth December 14, 2019 8:23am 7lb 14oz She is perfection and we are so grateful and relieved that she's here. Our sweet little...

Eloiseisms + Ameliaisms
Checking in with some of the latest soundbites from around here! ELOISE: "Mommy when you lived in the olden days did Pop use a stone...

A Halloween Hack
Who needs to hack Halloween, you ask? When in prior years you've been known as the Grinch of Halloween (me), you (I) need a few tricks up...

What's Saving Your Life Right Now?
I'm sure I've talked about "What's saving your life right now?" before, but it was on my mind this morning, one of those CRAZY mornings...

Getting My Ducks in a Row
The baby countdown is on, and we’re in the homestretch over here! Finishing up all the baby tasks, and I’ve turned my attention to...

Life Is...
Life lately is... *Enjoying fall! The best season of them all. We've been savoring Eloise's days off and I don't think twice about...

Summer Recap
We're a week into school and I haven't yet caught my breath, but George is taking a longer nap and I have a few minutes before getting...

On Developmental Milestones
You know how at certain points in life, everything happens all at once? That has been this summer for Eloise—so many milestones within...

Midsummer Thoughts
Summer is fast and loose. Three kids, pregnancy, and a couple weeks in a row of no camps—it's hard! We've had an adjustment as we've...