Eloiseisms + Ameliaisms

Checking in with some of the latest soundbites from around here!
"Mommy when you lived in the olden days did Pop use a stone hammer?"
"Why are you more of a boss than Daddy because you tell everyone what to do and Daddy just lets us do our own thing?"
"When will all the years be over and all the people be dead? There has to be an ending!"
apartment building = "compartment building"
(after she learned to read and we took away her bedtime story as punishment one night) "That's okay, I can read my own stories now."
"I'm going to be a princess when I grow up. Or maybe a ballerina. It's soooo hard to choose."
(after she learned to ride her bike without training wheels) "For me riding a bike is almost as easy as eating ice cream."

(after she outgrew a coat) "That was my coat before but it grew out of me."
"Is that an old car from the fashion days?" (old-fashioned)
"I have a freeze brain." (brain freeze)
(to Eloise on her first day of kindergarten) "Can you write your name on my hand because I'm gonna miss you at kindergarten?" "Can you bring your walkie talkie to kindergarten so we can reach each other?"
awhile = "a couple whiles"
(to me) "Your rules are really unique."
"Relief is another word for phewf."
These ladies keep us laughing!