
WATCHING: We just finished the second season of Turn and are eagerly awaiting Netflix to add Season 3. I typically find historical shows a little dry, but I'm so glad we gave this one a shot because it's fascinating and based on real events. It's also given me a new appreciation of how much of the American Revolution took place right in our backyard!
We just started Peaky Blinders and although the first episode didn't hook us, we are now hooked! And the second season of Poldark just came off eternal library hold, so we will be pausing on Peaky Blinders to go through that before it's due.
WEARING: I just did some spring shopping for myself and love these pants! I'm so glad it's socially acceptable to wear baggy pull-on pants. So comfy and cute. (Updated to add: I also just got these and they are the cutest ever, IMO! So seventies.)
I'm also so excited to have found a new-to-me brand of bamboo athletic wear. Their website took the words right out of my mouth: fabric either feels good but doesn't perform (cotton) or performs but irritates the skin and retains odor (polyester) (from here). So far I am loving my crops and tees--they are super soft, lightweight, and yet feel a little more substantial than my cotton ones.
MAKING: This is waiting to go into the oven for dinner tonight and is probably my favorite baked pasta because it's a little lighter than other dishes, and the basil makes it feel a little more appropriate for warm-weather.
This was a big hit with everyone a couple of weeks ago and I love that everything gets cooked in one pan. (I added broccoli and chicken.)
And although the girls didn't really love them, Nick and I went crazy for these fajitas. I served them on these tortillas (because the idea of lettuce leaves for fajitas made me a little sad and would make Nick even sadder) and topped with guacamole.
READING: I just finished this (loved--it's a must-read if you suspect you're a HSP or you live with one) and this (a fine beach read but I didn't love the conclusion).
I read this years ago but just purchased it and am skimming it again because NO ONE IS EATING WHAT I COOK. The book is kind of annoying me, though, and while I already do many of the 10 rules she outlines, I think a large majority of this method works because of the French culture and mindset, not because of the rules themselves.
Halfway through this and think it's fascinating, and super practical and effective.
Up next: a classic I've never read.
What about you? Are you watching/wearing/making/reading anything of note these days? I'd love to hear!

(photos from a wonderful Easter weekend--He is risen indeed!)