Catching Up
WATCHING: Narcos—two more episodes to go! And so excited for The Walking Dead to start tonight! (Although I think technically we have to...

Hello! I solo-mommed it for a few days this week for the first time since having Amelia and am happy to report it wasn’t nearly as...

Case of the Mondays
Are you watching any good shows right now? We haven’t had a show that we’ve both looked forward to watching in awhile (which I don’t...

The Easiest Dinner Ever
A recipe! Something you don’t find around here too often :) My feelings about getting dinner on the table range from ambivalence at best...

Let's Get Drinks
I normally drink three things: coffee, water, and wine. However, I've stumbled over some new-to-me beverages in the past week or so and...

Baking With Toddlers: Buddy's Zucchini Bread
By the title of this post you may have thought I was going to share some baking-with-toddler tips. I can assure you, I am not! I have no...

Before Eloise was born, my mom and I had a handful of freezer cooking days, and having a stocked freezer after she came was a huge...

Smoothie Love
Do you smoothie? We are big smoothie fans around here as soon as the temperatures rise, and it’s a yummy, easy and fail-safe way of...

Help Me Make a Salad
I feel silly ever offering any tips on mothering, because 1) I still feel like such a newbie in this arena, only 2.5 years into the...