Eloiseisms + Ameliaisms

These funny girls are back to school today after a week of spring break, and it was a good week for all. When my sister asked how the week went, I told her I barely noticed they were home! They've been in their own little world playing lately, and I pretty much see them for meals and bedtime!
Nick took three days off of work so he could join in some of our festivities. The highlight of the week, of course, was taking the train two stops over (a 7-minute ride) for lunch. All three kids were SO excited.

I haven't done one of these posts for awhile! Here are some of the girls' latest and greatest sayings.

"Oh Mommy? Is there something wrong with your thinking brain?"
"Taking care of a baby is a sharp responsibility."
(telling her sister to climb on a precariously balanced object) "It's okay Mimi, it's good engineering."
"Mommy sure has a lot of makeups to keep her pretty."
(angry at me about something) "I’m having my own bad thoughts about you."
Slowpoke = "slow folk"
"I love mangoes all the way up to the solar system."
"Mommy is not good at Lent."
"I know some math that can help us!"
"That’s just the way God made me: to not like tomato soup."
"Shouldn’t someone be parenting the sandbox?"
"Now cheery on!" (carry on)

Groundhog Day = "Hedgehog Day"
“Dear God, please let Mommy get the right kind of cereal next time because Eloise doesn’t like the kind in the white box."
window sill = "window silk"
she calls people with the name Tiffany, "Ephiphany"
turtleneck = "neck turtle" or "fuzzy necktie"
for real = "for true life"
the window at drive-throughs = "the cuckoo window" because "the waiters pop their heads out and flap their wings."
capri pants = "caprika pants"
stapler = "stabilizer"
Happy Monday!
photos: Anne Katherine Photography