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Moms as Leaders

In pregnancy I find that things affect me more. I've always been a sensitive person (HSP, INFJ, I have all the acronyms working for/against me), but when pregnant, I have a different level of thin skin.

Maybe it's some kind of survival mechanism that alerted our ancient ancestors to impending danger? And maybe this is why pregnant women can be more emotional—because we're taking in more things. Our senses are heightened.

Something unkind happened to me recently that really affected me for a day or two. I was very agitated, which caused me to go to bed way too late, sleep in the next morning, and generally be grumpy and mean toward my family.

Nick, who is way more used to dealing with the outside world, was frustrated that I was so affected by this situation, and reminded me that I am the emotional and spiritual leader of our family. I can't get taken down by petty things that should have little or no bearing on my life!

I generally don't think of myself as a leader; I spend my days dealing with a litany of menial needs. But just because I'm not leading our family with a big job or financial contribution doesn't mean I'm not shaping the character of our family by my daily actions, words, and demeanor. And just as little things add up to big things, so do my individual thoughts and what I choose to focus on make up my overall mindset.

If I am focused, peaceful and present while carrying out the tasks of the day, my family has the best chance of thriving. If I am preoccupied with external things, or allow negativity to infiltrate my sphere, this will surely take the ship down.

It's my hope that I can lead by example and maintain a positive attitude—even when things happen that are less than ideal—so that I can set the tone for my family in their daily lives.

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