Keeping It Real

And on some days, these are the thoughts that go through my head.
How many 6-minute activities can one person do in a day?
Why did I feel the need to plan my 10-year anniversary (which is in 11 months) at 10pm last night?
Why is there always someone exactly in front of where I need to step?
Why does our mudroom always look like something exploded in it?
Will I ever brush the girls' hair again?
Why did two different people think George was a girl today?
Is Mimi really having to go potty ALL OF THESE TIMES before nap and bedtimes, or is she gaming me?
Will my ankle ever heal with all of this up and down the stairs?
Is it bad potty training protocol to tell her the potty is closed and we will go after naptime because I just need thirty seconds of time to myself?
When is the earliest acceptable time to start drinking wine on a Tuesday?
Is it really only Tuesday?
How can I phrase an inoffensive yet effective hyperbole conveying my distress to my husband in hopes that he comes home early?
Do I have any energy to make quesadillas, or should I send up a takeout flare?
Am I ruining my children by occasionally telling them when they're being annoying?
How am I going to pack for 5 people for vacation?
Why did I hire and then fire that weekly babysitter before she even began?
Is it possible to simultaneously feel so blessed yet SO TIRED?
How is your Tuesday?