Hello and TGIF! We wrapped up Eloise's first Vacation Bible School experience today. I'll be honest, there have been more than a few moments this week where I have had the word "torture" swirl around my brain because of the combined effect of the 20+ minute drive to church, four times a day, during Amelia's nap, in sometimes standstill detour traffic, with a crying baby the entire time which then frustrates and sets off the toddler.
But worth it, I think. To show up a bit early to pick-up time and watch the kids sing and dance and clap, and to hear Eloise tell me about how Jesus can walk on water (but mostly about the day the ice cream truck came, or who fell down that day, or the lizard guy who came today with a 6-foot python that she got to touch!), and to hope that seeds of faith and community are being planted in her little life, makes it all worth it.
But bring on the weekend! My parents are coming to keep the girls tomorrow while Nick and I sneak out for a couple hours for a(nother) dinner date! And Sunday morning the VBS kids are leading the church service, which should be adorable. My main priority, though, is installing Amelia's convertible car seat in hopes that she stops hating the car so much! (And having Nick extricate the coins that Eloise, unbeknownst to us, shoved in the car CD player which makes it sound like I'm driving a mobile penny shaker.)
Here are some links from around the Web:
I always love Sarah's take on things, and her latest book review and commentary makes me really want to read this book.
Doing what you love vs. what you're good at. So interesting!
A science-y article on breastfeeding + the microbiome. The germophobe in me loves the part that lists some of the villains that breastmilk can block: salmonella, listeria, campylobacter jejuni (the most common cause of bacterial diarrhea), many strains of E. coli., and potentially even HIV!
What If High School Were More Like Kindergarten? "I still worry about my own children entering school. I worry that years of driving toward academic achievement will morph them into tear-filled teenagers who have forgotten how to play."
A piece on nature-phobic kids and more evidence that "daily 'green exercise' can produce rapid improvements in mental well-being and self-esteem; boost problem-solving skills, cooperation, focus and self-discipline; and reduce aggression."
The Books I Am Never Taking Off My Daughter's Bookshelf. Some of these titles are new to me and we will be checking them out soon!
Happy weekend!